I'm sure seeing this, some people will answer this question by saying their names, but really how can a question that seems to be so simple give people a hell of time. Many times, you go for an interview and the interviewer says, tell me about yourself. And you just go blank and you begin to think, 'how am i supposed to answer that?' To answer this simple question properly, we all need to embark on a self realisation journey, before you can tell another person about yourself, you need to know who you are. Your whole entirety can not be summarised in your name. On this self realisation journey, you need to discover yourself, discover your values, the things you believe in, your strengths and weaknesses, your thought patterns and all the details that surround your whole being.
If you don't know yourself, you will definitely miss out on things that are supposed to be yours. The story is told of a cub that was lost in the forest, the cub was picked up by a shepherd and was raised in the midst of sheep, the lion grew up as a sheep, ate like a sheep, thought as a sheep and would run away with the other sheep when the lions came. This continued for a very long time, because the lion had lost its identity. Then, one day, the lion went for a drink at the river and looked into the water and saw a lion, it was so terrified and ran back to the sheepfold, it refused to go out till it almost died of thirst and hunger, so one day, it went out to have a drink of water and when it got o the river, as it was about to have a drink, it saw the lion again, out of vexation, it shouted out, needless to say it was a roar, but then it noticed that, the "lion in the water" did everything it did and it became confused, so, it tried touching it and realise it was just water, meanwhile, the lions at their camp heard the roar and came to see what was wrong. They came and they took him to their camp and he assumed his rightful place.
So, remember in all that you do, discover who you are and always always walk in that light, know that the race of life can only be a good one for people who can differentiate themselves from the crowd. You're a unique being and before you can accept that, you need to first discover who you are. Whatever you do today, discover yourself. SHALOM!!!
For Daddy, at 61
My dad's smile lit up rooms and was one of his most attractive features.“As
for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked,
9 months ago
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