This is simply doing the right thing at the right time. At times, we're just so nonchallant about things, you see something that should be attended to straight away and you just think, "well someone else should take care of it, i'm not the only one here" Trust me it starts from the liitle things we overlook, the "sorry" we failed to say, the "please" we thought was too much for us and all the thing we took forgranted and thought, "well, so be it" . really, untill we begin to change our mind sets and set our priorities right, things will keep going wrong without anyone to fix it because we wouldn't even notice anything wrong about them. We need to consciously decide that we should and must do what is right at every point in time and not wait till it gets really bad that we needn't be told. Remember a stitch in time saves nine or even more.
Procrastination they say is the thief of time and really this is so correct, you know you should do something but you keep postponing it and thinking, well it's still rather early, i can do it later and then the day just flies by and you end up not doing it and the next days finds you doing the same thing and days roll into weeks and weeks into months and months into years and we remain on a spot. Make sure whatever you do is what you really should be doing.
For Daddy, at 61
My dad's smile lit up rooms and was one of his most attractive features.“As
for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked,
9 months ago
true and timely....welcome to the blog world.