This is a question we don't usually pay attention to until we've lost someone or we're not on good terms with them. It is easier to receive without having to give anything in return but it is more blessed to give than to receive. At times we try to convince ourselves that we don't have anything to give but this is not always true, little things that we often do not pay attention to go a long way in helping people get through the day. Just a smile might do the trick and it costs you nothing but means the world to someone else.When someone dies, we tend to try to relive their memories, we remember the last time we saw them, what we talked about, their smiles, the jokes we share, the last gift they gave us, the look on their faces when they forgot our birthdays or anniversaries and we had to remind them later. The truth is most times, we have a very hard time trying to remember what we were able to do for them while they were with us , we rather remember things we weren't able to do for them though at the time they didn't seem to mind that we weren't able to do those things, they say things like " oh, you forgot to get me the book. So what? it's alright, i'll just pick it up myself" and they smile and give us a friendly pat and assure us that everythings alright.
However, when we lose them, these things come back to haunt us and we spend our whole time dwelling on the "as ifs". the time we spend wallowing in this should rather be spent on being better in our relationships with others so we don't lose them because we weren't there for them when they needed us.The only real consolation we can give to ourselvs at times like these is to pour ourselves into the lives of the people we still have here with us. I lost someone recently and when i was told i was really sad because i had not even seen her in almost two years and she was always there for me on a lot of occasions, she was quite sick before she passed on and i wasn't even there more than twice to see her. I was pretty heart broken when i heard someone say " if she meant so much to all these people that are here today, how is it that only a fraction of them ever came to see her" i was really disturbed because she definitely deserved more than that. She was one of those people that made me understand the concept of sacrifice, she took eveybody's problems as if they were hers and helped all she could afford to. She was fond of saying They keep telling me i can't change the world, but i know i can, because i believe eveyone i help will be able to help another and it keeps spreading that way, so i just can't stop!"
I write this believing that when you read this you will know that every little gesture counts and you just can't stop now because someone's future might just be dependent on what you do today and i'm very sure you wouldn't want to jeopardize that. Treasure the memories of those you've lost, love those who you still have with you and prepare youselve to be in a position to be of help to those you will still meet. Givers never lack so don't ever be afraid to give your widow's mite and remember it doesn't have to me material things all the time, at times, all people need from you is a listening ear. Be there for them and it will be amazing how you can change the world in your own way. God Bless You.
For Daddy, at 61
My dad's smile lit up rooms and was one of his most attractive features.“As
for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked,
9 months ago
sweetheart, this is great. every line got me thinking. would surely put this to work.i promise to just do it without excuse.thanks and keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteThis is really great. Very accurate and inspiring. God bless you.
ReplyDeletei must confess-this is REALLY good.funny enough,i've never really considered this.i love this so much.i sure cant forget very soon,if i ever do.job well done dear.