Many times we allow jealousy, envy, bitterness and hatred to overshadow our thinking. We begrudge people because they got the job, they're better at some things than we are, they get the attention or whatever reason we want to give. We spend valuable time trying to convince ourselves and anyone who cares to listen that they shouldn't be a head of us in anyway. Jealousy is very brutal, it has marred a lot of lives and will continue to Mar lives until we begin to know that it only destroys and degrades. No good thing can come out of all these negative attitudes.
How many times have we celebrated people without begrudging them because we think we they didn't deserve it as much as us? Every great man alive has first celebrated someone before he came to be celebrated. There's a place of partnership in greatness , we don't have to be the one to start up something, God created every man with specific purposes and if you want to function in another person's capacity, it will be such a fatal mistake that can lead to serious disasters. Until we identify our purpose we will continue to go round in a circle always coming back to the same spot.
When people that are close to us achieve success, we should support, encourage and help them. Not because we expect anything from them but because we believe in them and we will do all that's within our power to help them. we do not choke them or do it out of compulsion but out of love and goodwill. Everyone should do his part without begrudging the other for having more
responsibility or importance. The value of teamwork has been stressed over and over in most establishments because we all know that no lone tree can boast as being a forest by itself because we all need one another to attain the success we all desire.
God has designed everyone to fit into their particular position and when anyone does this, they will indeed achieve greatness because they are fulfilling their destiny but if anyone thinks he wants a better place, it will be like try to fix a round peg in a square hole. It will be a futile effort because you're trying to play the director where you're only supposed to be an actor. God has a specific purpose for your life and until you start fulfilling it, things will not turn out as they should. When this is in our consciousness we know that no one can take away what's ours and that there's nothing to begrudge anyone about because we know that no two people can play the same role in God's design and what is ours can only be ours.
You are who God says you are in all that you do, you are better than you might realise because God has so designed you to be unique, that's why no other person can have the same DNA as you, they can't have you finger prints neither can they have your total composition because you are special and unique and have been designed to be the best that you can ever be. So rather than being jealous, envious, bitter or allowing any other negative thing to overcloud your sense of judgment, celebrate others while fulfilling your own purpose because when you do this, people have no choice but to celebrate you.. SHALOM!!!!
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