Monday, August 10, 2009

Who are you?

I'm sure seeing this, some people will answer this question by saying their names, but really how can a question that seems to be so simple give people a hell of time. Many times, you go for an interview and the interviewer says, tell me about yourself. And you just go blank and you begin to think, 'how am i supposed to answer that?' To answer this simple question properly, we all need to embark on a self realisation journey, before you can tell another person about yourself, you need to know who you are. Your whole entirety can not be summarised in your name. On this self realisation journey, you need to discover yourself, discover your values, the things you believe in, your strengths and weaknesses, your thought patterns and all the details that surround your whole being.
If you don't know yourself, you will definitely miss out on things that are supposed to be yours. The story is told of a cub that was lost in the forest, the cub was picked up by a shepherd and was raised in the midst of sheep, the lion grew up as a sheep, ate like a sheep, thought as a sheep and would run away with the other sheep when the lions came. This continued for a very long time, because the lion had lost its identity. Then, one day, the lion went for a drink at the river and looked into the water and saw a lion, it was so terrified and ran back to the sheepfold, it refused to go out till it almost died of thirst and hunger, so one day, it went out to have a drink of water and when it got o the river, as it was about to have a drink, it saw the lion again, out of vexation, it shouted out, needless to say it was a roar, but then it noticed that, the "lion in the water" did everything it did and it became confused, so, it tried touching it and realise it was just water, meanwhile, the lions at their camp heard the roar and came to see what was wrong. They came and they took him to their camp and he assumed his rightful place.
So, remember in all that you do, discover who you are and always always walk in that light, know that the race of life can only be a good one for people who can differentiate themselves from the crowd. You're a unique being and before you can accept that, you need to first discover who you are. Whatever you do today, discover yourself. SHALOM!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Practise what you preach..

It is so easy for us to point out other people's mistake to them and capitalise on all the wrong things that they do. We tend to notice people's faults and then chide them consistently. The truth is most times we are actually guity of all those things without even realising it, either because they are now a part of our everyday life or because we're just unwilling to change. In reality, we'll notice that when people talk to us about something, we might have noticed that same thing in them first, and then they accuse us of the same thing then we get confused and begin to wonder why they can do it, but we can't. The truth is that it is easier for us all to play the judge and point out all the things that people do wrong rather than being the recipient of such correction.
We really need to start doing all the things that we tell others to do and not be the sort of preachers that are so gifted and can speak but fall short of their own standards. People should be able to shape their lives after our actions and not just our words. We need a change in our general orientation, we must not be so taken up with removing the speck in other people's eyes that we refuse to see the huge logs in ours. If we'll be of any help to anybody, we must first work on ourselves, remove the logs carefully, then proceed to help others.
Hypocrisy creates a false shelter for those who seek the easy way out, they feel safe and believe no one would be the wiser, but it soon fades out and they'll soon find out that you can only fool people for so long. So, the word for today is, practise what you preach and the world would be a better place for us all to live in. SHALOM.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The memoir of an 80 yr old woman

Today i celebrated my 80th birthday, i felt really out of place with all those speeches, the smiles that lit up people's faces as they glanced at me, the beautifully decorated hall and everything was just wonderful. While people talked about me, i couldn't help but wonder if we were gathered to celebrate someone else or it was just me. It was really an awesome day for everyone gathered here apart from me. I had to wear that charming smile so my husband, children and grand children wouldn't notice. I felt like i was living another person's dream, it was just not me. That wasn't the first time I'd have that sort of emptiness wash over me, it happened before, some six years before today when i was being conferred with the award of the Member of the Order of the Niger (MON). All my friends were there, they were so happy for me. If it were possible i could have transferred the award to a more deserving person.For you to understand why i feel this way, i will take you back in time.
I had a very ordinary childhood, went to Pre-creche, Nursery, Primary school within the neighbourhood. As a child, i was rather shy and quiet, i only spoke when it was necessary, and i always did it carefully and quietly so most times i talked, anyone would have to ask about two or three times before they really heard me. The confidence just wasn't there and i got really frustrated when anyone had to ask me to repeat what i had said. I missed a lot of opportunities because the world called for a bold and outstanding personality which i don't have to tell you i did not have. The reason i wasn't confident owes largely to the kind of home i grew up in, my siblings and i were only heard when we were asked something and no "unnecessary discussions" were to be engaged in. We were supposed to keep quiet at all times because our parents made it clear that people did not have time for "stupid talks from kids". Somewhere along the line, i got bitter and decided that i was going to show everyone that i could achieve everything they thought i wouldn't.
I devoted my time to acquiring various degrees, i was always in the spotlight, everyone wanted me to speak at every seminar or workshop and to the "unseeing eyes" i was great. I can't even remember the last time i felt emotional, i lived life as though i were a robot, the people i could call friends are mainly those that were on my research groups. The evening my husband proposed to me was unnecessarily long because i was just there in this restaurant and He was telling me all these things that i can't even remember about desiring to spend the rest of His life with me, since i checked all the options and decided i wanted to have children, i said yes so the evening could at least come to an end and I'll get on with my life. I felt so useless those hours and when he finally slipped the ring on my finger, i remember saying "alright now, let's get out of here, i have somethings to work on" i guess he thought everything would work out once i started having children but it wasn't so at all.
After we got married, i got several maid and about every job in the house had its own maid. My husband just could not understand why i wouldn't "slow down". I guess somewhere along the line, i got obsessed with the desire for greatness. I retired some years back and i can't take it all back, i missed out on my children's growing up years and now that i seem to have all the time on my hands, i can't do anything because they are all married and now have their own children. I can't say that I'm truly fulfilled and that's why i had to sneak in here to write this. My advice for all you young ones, don't let anyone take away anytime of your life, do what you're meant to do, as a child, be all that you're meant to be, don't miss out on your teenage years and enjoy your youthful years. It's a good thing to want to achieve greatness but don't sacrifice your life or that of others all in a bid to be great because great people build lives and not tear them apart.
The real indicator of greatness is attaining success in every area and not allowing some to blossom at the expense of others, because you're meant to enjoy greatness and not regret it, so do not sacrifice your happiness just to prove to others that you can achieve something they think you can't. Do it for your own fulfillment not to spite others. Do it right and celebrate yourself just as much as others celebrate you, in fact celebrate yourself than others would. SHALOM

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What are you still doing there?

Have you ever wondered why you are still on the same spot despite all you've done to be better, the lessons you've learnt and all that you've done to be better? The truth is nothing will change except we take drastic measures, we must do what others wouldn't do to achieve what others wouldn't. Someone once told me that "Everyone will still be the same person in 50 years, what would have changed is the people they've met and the books they've read." We all have to stand up for ourselves to be where we ought to be. We can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result, if we want to achieve something more, then we have to give something more. Everything has its own price and this price must be paid to get it.
There's always more to everything but the whole package wouldn't come unless we are willing to go the extra-mile. Most times we convince ourselves that to make it in life you need to be highly connected or you need to know certain people to make a difference, but the truth is that what ever you need is already within you, and whatever you don't have, you don't need.So you can decide to analyse and list everything you don't have or work with what you have. A lot of great people today had very humble beginnings, in fact what makes the story sweet to tell is that despite all, they were able to rise above the circumstances surrounding them.
Our relationships are very important to our lives because the people we move with can either make or mar us. There are vision midwives and vision abortionists, the vision midwives help to deliver your dreams, they support, advise and encourage you while the vision abortionists abort your dreams, they tell you you can't do it and give you examples of the people that have tried and haven't succeeded. Until we begin to understand that we need to propel ourselves forward, nothing will change because if we don't believe there's a problem, a solution will be unnecessary. Always think outside the box, the greatest injustice a man can do to himself is to confine himself, once you have a dream, believe in it, refuse to be discouraged. It is your dream and no one has the right to make you feel like it is beyond scope. Avoid people that do not share your dreams or believe in you.
At every point in time, an evaluation is very necessary, that's why you have to be forward looking, have a detailed plan of what you should be doing and where you should be, always try to see if you're still in line. The ultimate goal of everyone is to be the best they can, always concentrate on your strengths and dwell less on your weaknesses because they're only there to keep you in check, they are not the main actors in your life's scene. Work towards achieving your dreams and always put yourself in check. SHALOM!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

You Are Better Than That!!!

Many times we allow jealousy, envy, bitterness and hatred to overshadow our thinking. We begrudge people because they got the job, they're better at some things than we are, they get the attention or whatever reason we want to give. We spend valuable time trying to convince ourselves and anyone who cares to listen that they shouldn't be a head of us in anyway. Jealousy is very brutal, it has marred a lot of lives and will continue to Mar lives until we begin to know that it only destroys and degrades. No good thing can come out of all these negative attitudes.

How many times have we celebrated people without begrudging them because we think we they didn't deserve it as much as us? Every great man alive has first celebrated someone before he came to be celebrated. There's a place of partnership in greatness , we don't have to be the one to start up something, God created every man with specific purposes and if you want to function in another person's capacity, it will be such a fatal mistake that can lead to serious disasters. Until we identify our purpose we will continue to go round in a circle always coming back to the same spot.

When people that are close to us achieve success, we should support, encourage and help them. Not because we expect anything from them but because we believe in them and we will do all that's within our power to help them. we do not choke them or do it out of compulsion but out of love and goodwill. Everyone should do his part without begrudging the other for having more
responsibility or importance. The value of teamwork has been stressed over and over in most establishments because we all know that no lone tree can boast as being a forest by itself because we all need one another to attain the success we all desire.

God has designed everyone to fit into their particular position and when anyone does this, they will indeed achieve greatness because they are fulfilling their destiny but if anyone thinks he wants a better place, it will be like try to fix a round peg in a square hole. It will be a futile effort because you're trying to play the director where you're only supposed to be an actor. God has a specific purpose for your life and until you start fulfilling it, things will not turn out as they should. When this is in our consciousness we know that no one can take away what's ours and that there's nothing to begrudge anyone about because we know that no two people can play the same role in God's design and what is ours can only be ours.

You are who God says you are in all that you do, you are better than you might realise because God has so designed you to be unique, that's why no other person can have the same DNA as you, they can't have you finger prints neither can they have your total composition because you are special and unique and have been designed to be the best that you can ever be. So rather than being jealous, envious, bitter or allowing any other negative thing to overcloud your sense of judgment, celebrate others while fulfilling your own purpose because when you do this, people have no choice but to celebrate you.. SHALOM!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What have you done for them?

This is a question we don't usually pay attention to until we've lost someone or we're not on good terms with them. It is easier to receive without having to give anything in return but it is more blessed to give than to receive. At times we try to convince ourselves that we don't have anything to give but this is not always true, little things that we often do not pay attention to go a long way in helping people get through the day. Just a smile might do the trick and it costs you nothing but means the world to someone else.When someone dies, we tend to try to relive their memories, we remember the last time we saw them, what we talked about, their smiles, the jokes we share, the last gift they gave us, the look on their faces when they forgot our birthdays or anniversaries and we had to remind them later. The truth is most times, we have a very hard time trying to remember what we were able to do for them while they were with us , we rather remember things we weren't able to do for them though at the time they didn't seem to mind that we weren't able to do those things, they say things like " oh, you forgot to get me the book. So what? it's alright, i'll just pick it up myself" and they smile and give us a friendly pat and assure us that everythings alright.
However, when we lose them, these things come back to haunt us and we spend our whole time dwelling on the "as ifs". the time we spend wallowing in this should rather be spent on being better in our relationships with others so we don't lose them because we weren't there for them when they needed us.The only real consolation we can give to ourselvs at times like these is to pour ourselves into the lives of the people we still have here with us. I lost someone recently and when i was told i was really sad because i had not even seen her in almost two years and she was always there for me on a lot of occasions, she was quite sick before she passed on and i wasn't even there more than twice to see her. I was pretty heart broken when i heard someone say " if she meant so much to all these people that are here today, how is it that only a fraction of them ever came to see her" i was really disturbed because she definitely deserved more than that. She was one of those people that made me understand the concept of sacrifice, she took eveybody's problems as if they were hers and helped all she could afford to. She was fond of saying They keep telling me i can't change the world, but i know i can, because i believe eveyone i help will be able to help another and it keeps spreading that way, so i just can't stop!"
I write this believing that when you read this you will know that every little gesture counts and you just can't stop now because someone's future might just be dependent on what you do today and i'm very sure you wouldn't want to jeopardize that. Treasure the memories of those you've lost, love those who you still have with you and prepare youselve to be in a position to be of help to those you will still meet. Givers never lack so don't ever be afraid to give your widow's mite and remember it doesn't have to me material things all the time, at times, all people need from you is a listening ear. Be there for them and it will be amazing how you can change the world in your own way. God Bless You.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Do it right and on time!

This is simply doing the right thing at the right time. At times, we're just so nonchallant about things, you see something that should be attended to straight away and you just think, "well someone else should take care of it, i'm not the only one here" Trust me it starts from the liitle things we overlook, the "sorry" we failed to say, the "please" we thought was too much for us and all the thing we took forgranted and thought, "well, so be it" . really, untill we begin to change our mind sets and set our priorities right, things will keep going wrong without anyone to fix it because we wouldn't even notice anything wrong about them. We need to consciously decide that we should and must do what is right at every point in time and not wait till it gets really bad that we needn't be told. Remember a stitch in time saves nine or even more.
Procrastination they say is the thief of time and really this is so correct, you know you should do something but you keep postponing it and thinking, well it's still rather early, i can do it later and then the day just flies by and you end up not doing it and the next days finds you doing the same thing and days roll into weeks and weeks into months and months into years and we remain on a spot. Make sure whatever you do is what you really should be doing.

Be the change you want to see

We live in a world of complaints, everyone always has something to complain about, we're so quick to judge and criticise without really evaluating the possibility of our makin' it better, we'd rather complain than profer solution and i believe until we all reach that point when we've had enough of it and desire real change, nothin' will change and i know there's nothing we need more than that. A change in our attitudes, mindsets and general orientation.Don't you sometimes wonder why all the Nigerian policies have been hittin' the rocks? I've been reviewin' a lot of these lately and i believe it's because we've been usin' the same old approach, but now's the time for change and it starts with us, we need to begin to practise the evolution that we foresee, it is time to get it right and do what our predecessors overlooked, be a part of the change and not just an onlooker, be a palyer and not a commentator.. We can't keep doin the samething and expect a different result, if we want a different result, we just must try something new, it's as simple as that, but the truth is, it's only simple in theory, if we were to really practise it we must be really radical, 'cos it's in the human nature to resist change but we've got to give all it takes so we can get the much desired change.It has to begin with you, you have to be honest if you want honesty to prevail, be punctual if u want the "African time" syndrome totally eradicated, if you wnt Nigeria to be better, be better yourself, in essence, be the change you want to see, i'm honestly looking forward to a new Nigeria, where everythin works and i know that it begins with us...I love Nigeria and i know you do too so, in my little way i'm makin' u know that we're in it together and we most definitely will make it together..